A New Bifold Hangar Door for Unity Aviation Canada

When a company grows as much as Unity Aviation Canada, increasing available workspace is essential. Here’s how a Diamond bifold door helped make their new hangar a reality, maximizing work efficiency and minimizing time spent on side tasks.

Located in Airdrie, Alberta, Unity Aviation Canada became a factory endorsed service center for Viking Air in 2019, providing maintenance services, refurbishment, and warranty related services on Series 400 Twin Otter aircraft. Their commitment to quality and customer service has earned them a strong reputation in the aviation world, growing their company and creating a need for a larger facility.

That’s when they turned to Remuda Building, a leading contractor in the post frame construction industry. Based in Rocky View County, Alberta, they offer building solutions for a wide range of applications, including farms, acreages, and commercial customers – exactly what Unity Aviation Canada was looking for.

The Hangar Project

With a 65-foot wingspan and almost 20-foot tail height, the Series 400 Twin Otter is not a small plane. To fit the plane into the hangar and still leave room for maintenance and refurbishing, Unity Aviation Canada needed an 80-foot by 82-foot hangar, with roughly 6400 square feet. And they needed a big door to match.

A Big Hangar Door

Jon Schouten has worked at Remuda for 10 years as a sales consultant. He’s worked with Diamond Doors for just as long, providing door solutions to countless customers. He says that a Diamond door is the only door he will recommend when large doors are needed.

“I find that they have advantages over some of the other manufacturers,” says Jon. “The strain on the building structure is a lot less than a hydraulic door and if someone is parked directly in front of the door there is no risk of hitting the vehicle.”

Greg Kalinchuk, accountable executive with Unity Aviation Canada, had heard of Diamond Doors before and had no concerns about installing a Diamond bifold door in their new hangar.

And so, they decided to order a Diamond bifold door that gave them a 70-foot wide, 20-foot high clear opening.

Why Choose a Diamond Door?

Along with the minimal strain to the building, there are many advantages to choosing a Diamond door. This includes easy installation, a low maintenance door design, and other door features to maximize the efficiency of the door.

Easy Door Installation

A foundational value at Diamond Doors is the knowledge that our customers’ time is valuable. We strive to build a door that streamlines the building experience – a key factor in the satisfaction of Remuda Building and Unity Aviation Canada.

Remuda is no stranger to installing Diamond doors. However, Jon says that “the unique challenge on this project was that this was the largest door we had installed to date. Initially, it was to be delivered in two separate pieces, but Diamond Doors was able to get it shipped out in one piece, which was super helpful to the flow of the project.”

That bit of extra planning helped Remuda and Unity Aviation Canada reduce costs by further simplifying the installation process.

Did you know that Diamond doors are designed to make installation as easy as possible? Some competitors ship their doors as kits that you must assemble when they arrive. At Diamond Doors, we ensure that your door is ready to be installed the moment it arrives. This means that each door arrives with the frame fully assembled (with the exception of some very large doors), and the electrical components pre-wired and installed.

Low Maintenance Door Features

When asked which door features make the Diamond bifold door a useful part of daily operations at Unity Canada Aviation, Greg says that it is that “the hangar door operates smoothly.”

While there are some tasks that need to be done to keep a business running, they don’t always directly contribute to generating revenue. With low maintenance door features and a reliable door design, Diamond Doors is helping minimize unnecessary repair work. After all, a bifold door shouldn’t be another piece of equipment to look after. It should be a tool that makes work easier.

Some of these features include greaseless hinges, long-lasting lift cables, and a maintenance free locking system. You can read more about our door components by visiting our features and options page.

Energy Efficiency and Temperature Control

Like the rest of Canada, the winter season in central Alberta is cold and windy. Temperatures dip well below freezing for months on end, and it can make heating bills skyrocket. To maintain a consistent and comfortable working environment, an effective insulation package was essential.

Unity Aviation Canada opted to include a complete three-inch (R16) insulation package with their bifold hangar door order.

Compared to options like spray foam or fiberglass insulation, our panels provide a consistent thermal break across the exterior of the door. Plus, they are easy to install and provide a visually appealing finish on the interior of the door.

Read our insulation package overview here.

A Quality Door that Lasts

We design Diamond doors for strength and durability. It’s part of our commitment to quality and excellence – and it’s evident in the satisfaction of our customers.

Jon says that that when compared to a competitor’s door, a Diamond door “is a much stronger door.” He adds that Diamond Doors is “low maintenance, solid construction, [and a] reputable company that stands behind their product.”

After several years of using the hangar and bifold door, Greg only has good things to say about the project. “Ultimately very happy with Remuda and [the] Diamond door,” he says. He is quick and confident to recommend both Remuda and Diamond Doors to others in the aviation industry.

A Diamond door is the only door that I recommend when large doors are needed.
Jon Schouten

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