


We know that life is busy and time is short. Make the most of the time you spend working with a Diamond Doors autolock package. With low maintenance features and easy operation, you’ll spend less time using your door, and more time where it counts.

June 1 – 30, 2024 | Get a Free Autolock with purchase of Bifold Door

It’s Convenient

Opening your door from wherever you are is especially useful when you use your door regularly. In the tractor or the plane, you can operate your bifold door just like your garage door at home when you add the remote opener to your autolock package.

It’s Low Maintenance

We believe in a simple design that has fewer moving parts so that there’s less to go wrong. Spend less time on maintenance and repairs and more time where it counts.

It’s Secure

At the end of the day, you want to know that your plane or farm equipment is protected. Ensure that your equipment is secure with a sturdy locking system design.

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My favourite feature would be the autolocking system. It’s very nice to know that the door when it’s closed is pulled tight and seals properly.
K. Wiebe
We absolutely looove it. We also did the optional auto lock system that allows the door to open and close with the push of a button. It’s amazing… I can fly over, hit the button, and the door is open ready for me to taxi right in. It’s made the building way more usable and user friendly versus the four panel sliding doors I had before.
P. Fortier
I have repaired and upgraded a lot of hangar door in my career and I must say that Diamond doors are by far the best I had to work with. They are very safe to operate, sturdy, well documented… not only do they have a superior product, the staff was very fast to answer my questions as well.
F. Ducharme

Technical Overview

We build our doors on simplicity and convenience – and our locking systems are no different. Many other bifold door manufacturers use systems operated by cables, straps, or springs. We’ve gotten rid of these complicated moving parts and created a low maintenance and reliable locking system.

Why Choose an Autolock?

You may be aware that Diamond Doors offers both a manual (single-lever) locking system and an autolock system. With the autolock package, you can operate your bifold door just like your garage door at home. Here are two great ways this adds convenience to your door.

Save Valuable Time– if you frequently use your bifold door, you’ll quickly find out that taking time to manually lock and unlock your door is a hassle. And while this may not be an issue if you only use your door once or twice a week, it’s another story if you’re using your door every day – or even multiple times a day. With the autolock package, it’s an easy way to save time.

Stay Warm and Dry – when you add the remote opener to your autolock package, the weather won’t be a problem, as you can operate your door from wherever you’re sitting. You’ll stay comfortable, no matter the weather.

Down to the Basics

Our locking system has three basic components that work together to provide a secure closure between the door and building.

The Lock Rods – our rotating lock rods press the locking fingers into place, securing the door against the building frame. We adjust these in-factory, which means you won’t have to adjust them when your door arrives.

The Locking Fingers – attached to the ends of the lock rods, the locking fingers press tightly against the locking catches. The mechanics work very similarly to a vise grip design, creating a tremendous amount of leverage. This creates a strong seal between the door and the building. 

The Locking Catches – the locking catches are fastened directly to the building, creating the connection from the door locking fingers to the building.  These catches are adjustable, allowing the door to seal perfectly to your building. 

stainless steel bifold door frame
Bifold Door Locking Systems
Commercial Hangar Shop Door
commercial aircraft hangar door